Showing posts with label Animal Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal Facts. Show all posts

One ostrich egg is about as big as 24 eggs hatch after about 40 days of incubation. when hatched, the ostrich chicks are feathered and ready...

The desert horned lizard has spines along its back and side to protect itself. It camouflages itself to hide from predators.Some species of ...

Bangladesh has banned the farming and import of the piranha, a deadly south american fish that was devouring (eating up) thousands of its ma...

The dead remains of plants and animals that got buried deep inside the earth are called fossils.Petroleum and coal are fossils fuels.These f...

Each spring, in a remote part of Nepal,people leave their villages for a dangerous trek to the Himalayas in search of strange creature,the c...

Many organisation work for the welfare of animals.One such organisation is people for the Ethical Treatment of animals (PETA), which works o...

The cheetah, the fastest land animal, is extinct in india. the blackbuck is now the fastest land animal in our country . it can gallop in se...

Found in the warm and clear waters of south America, west Africa and some parts of north America,this large mammal spends its life swimming ...

It is found in the temperate forest of himalayas, where is protected by law. However,its number countinue to decline, mainly due to habitat ...