Showing posts with label Star Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Facts. Show all posts

The actual thickness of earth's biosphere is difficult to measure.Birds typically fly at an altitude of 650-1,800 meters. So, we can ass...

Another star sirius can be located with the help of the orion constellation.if you follow an imaginary line from the belt of the orion towar...

Martin Behaim made the world,s first ever globe. it was made of leather and named as Edrapfel, meaning earth apple  

Moon is 4,30,000 kilometres away from the Earth. Planetary scientists help us to understand the planets,satellites and smaller bodies in the...

The spacecraft that departed towards pluto and its moons in 2006 at a speed of approximately 58,000 km/hr and is currently the fastest space...

It is also called a shooting star.It appears as a streak of light in the night sky . The streak of light is formed by the frictional heating...